
BlackBoard.. not your typical chalkboard

This is so exciting.  To finally see the 'latest version' of Eluminate Live (now BlackBoard).  I was interested in the overview of the video/ audio and white board capabilities and presentation modes (chatbox, customization functions).  As the BlackBoard instructional administrator for my campus, I try to incorporate synchronous/asynchronous learning enviornments to my students.  I've used and trained faculty on how to use Adobe Connect, and I think its incredibly beneficial for all my students to become accustomed to learning within it. 
What a great way for the learner to review, review and review what they are learning and to always have the opportunity a few clicks away.. or stored on their laptop..and some day on their IPads.

Barb Welsford and her moderator presented Apps for Children with Learning Disabilities.  This recorded session described the learning disabilities, impairments, ASD, early learning, visual and communication impairments.  Barb also displayed the various intuitive APPS within the IPOD Touch to provide accessibility, social interaction, as well as to assist in the ability to formulate in the writing process and use the long term memory.  Some of the APPS explored during the session are - Audiobooks, A-Z reading, and the absolutely adorable POPOut Rabbit story, as well as Dragon Dictation, Typo- word prediction for students with visual impairments.

I made a specific note of how to convert documentation (Stanza) to vBookz via Itunes.  A fairly easy process to assist and promote further literacy needs. Also, the Math APPs are an excellent addition (no pun intended) to any high school or pre-technology program where students need to 'update' rudimentary math skills.  I was somewhat familiar with various APPS described.  ProloquoToGo and SoundingBoard was something we looked at last summer. 
The only problem I can see with any of these APPS is not having enough time during the day to shop!

The second recorded session was Apps in Action for Reluctant Readers.  Reluctant readers are hard to please. However, the IPod Touch can really make a huge difference!  Audio Books and Cliff's notes are key tools to READING and LEARNING as they provide interest, as well as interaction. The opportunities that this presents for the adult learner are endless.  Most post-secondary learners are reluctant readers, so Cliff's notes can enable them with the ease and confidence to not only read, but learn to enjoy and eventually love it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Shelley ...glad you enjoyed the recordings:)
